Remember when we all went to the store to get film developed? We had to wait like 2 weeks for the chemical process to take the negatives, and we would just sit and wait and hope they would come out good? Those days are long past us. Since we all use digital cameras, and mobile […]
Category Archives: Blog
The first question we ask is “Do you have a backup”? In over eight years of Virtua Computers running, I can’t begin to tell you how many clients have come to us because they have lost data. These customers are calling us for the first time crying or angry wondering what they can do. Honestly, […]
If your definition of safe is leaving your front door wide open then yeah sure it’s safe. Let’s talk about the reality of public Wifi. For starters we need to define public wifi. 1. Public Wifi in our scenario is any company offering “free” wifi at their location – so Starbucks, NYC subways, even your […]
Does this sound familiar “Honey, where’s my iPhone?” only to remember you left it in a cab? Never good. All those pictures of your dog, notes, and candy crush scores – gone forever…or is it? Let’s talk about how to make sure that you don’t lose that data if you lose your phone. We’ve already […]
Cybersecurity is a big issue in todays world. With companies being hacked in the news almost constantly it’s up to your IT team to make sure your network is protect. There are a few components to protecting a network, but the main piece of the pie is a firewall. A firewall creates a barrier between […]
Whenever Apple sells a computer, they want you to purchase AppleCare. As they put it “it’s a 3 year parts and labor coverage for the hardware”. So what’s that mean exactly?
Thunderbolt technology was first designed by Intel back in 2011. It combines PCI Express and Display port into one, allowing for fast data and power to be transmitted over the wire. Thunderbolt has changed a lot in the last few years, and it has great impacted how people do business, especially in the graphic design […]
We live and die by email now-a-days. It’s so bad, people will text me to say “Did you get my email?”. With the slew of incoming noise let’s dissect some ways to manage it better. If you are sending a lot of inter-office emails, consider a better communication tool. Virtua Computers uses Slack for example. […]
“So the combination is… one, two, three, four, five? That’s the stupidest combination I’ve ever heard in my life! That’s the kind of thing an idiot would have on his luggage!” – Dark Helmet from Spacebars The quintessential quote from an amazing 1987 Mel Brooks movie, and yet in 2016 that’s still so many peoples […]
“What is the Cloud”? Wow, do we get this a lot. Ok strap in this will take a bit. In it’s truest form the cloud is any computer that’s on the Internet. What that means for you is that things you used to only do on your computer in your home can now be done […]