Category Archives: Blog

Social Media Post Frequency, Timing, and Length

If you include social media in your content marketing strategy, there are three things to keep in mind. You want to plan how often you’ll post, at what time of day you’ll post, and how long your posts will be. If you’re being truly social—posting pictures of your kids or your latest vacation—you don’t care […]

Social Media May Feel Necessary, but May Not Be a Big Win

When it comes to developing a content marketing strategy, you need a blog as a foundation and an email newsletter as your primary method of outreach to current and potential clients. But what about social media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram? I won’t lie. I think social media is largely a waste of time. From a […]

Learn about TCN on the Command Control Power Podcast

Want to hear more about where the TidBITS Content Network came from and what it provides to Apple consultants, resellers, and other professionals? I was jazzed to be interviewed about the TidBITS Content Network on a recent Command Control Power podcast, hosted by three Apple Consultants Network members: Joe Saponare of PsiMac, Sam Valencia of HCS […]

Get Rid of Mobile Security issues Once and For All

So many businesses allow their employees to use their personal mobile device for work-related items. Check your cell phone, do you have a work email account on there? As the CEO you should either not allow this, or take the appropriate steps to protect your business. Don’t let a rogue employee keep sensitive work information […]

Warning: Ransomware is on the rise

ransomware lock

Over the last few months, we’ve seen a rise in Ransomware. Ransomware (sometimes known as encryptionware), is a particular type of malware that will infect your computer and lock you out of your files until you pay a ransom. Ransomware is not a joking matter, and it can seriously hurt your business. Let’s start with […]