Category Archives: Blog

Can’t get online? It’s probably DNS!

Are you having trouble loading webpages even though it shows you’re connected to WiFi? Most likely this is an issue with DNS. DNS is basically the internets phonebook. While we as human beings think about websites by their domain name (,, etc etc), computers use IP addresses (think like DNS helps translate the […]

Quick Tip: Set the “My Card” in Contacts to have Safari Autofill your data

Safari Autofill help my contact card virtua computers
AutoFill in Safari is a great feature that can save you a lot of time and effort when filling out Web forms. However, some users have reported that it suddenly stops working, forcing them to enter their contact information manually. If you're experiencing this issue, don't worry – the solution is simple. First, make sure [...]

These New Year’s Resolutions Will Improve Your Digital Security in 2023

Happy New Year! For many of us, starting a new year means reflecting on fresh habits we’d like to adopt. Although we certainly support any resolutions you may have made to get enough sleep, eat better, reduce social media usage, and exercise more, could we suggest a few that will improve your digital security and [...]

How To Create An IT Service RFP to Procure the Best IT Services For Your Company

An IT Service RFP should detail the problem and be as specific as possible to attract vendors who are a good fit. If you require an information technology solution, the first thing you need to do is learn how to write an information technology request for a proposal (IT Service RFP). With an abundance of […]

Are You Paying Too Much for Internet or Cellular Connectivity?

We’ve recently worked with a few clients who were paying too much for their Internet or cellular service. Internet service providers (ISPs) and cellular carriers occasionally adjust their service plans to account for new technologies, economies of scale, changing competitive landscapes, and marketing efforts. Sometimes they’ll increase speeds or capabilities across the board, but more [...]

The Hardware You’ll Need to Run Apple’s 2022 Operating Systems

At Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference in June, the company threw back the curtains on macOS 13 Ventura, iOS 16, iPadOS 16, and watchOS 9. These operating systems won’t be available until September or October of 2022, and we usually recommend waiting some time to upgrade—particularly for macOS. Even so, it’s not too early to think […]